At A Glance

Dating post-divorce, when you really have no idea what a loving, healthy relationship looks like, is a ride. Especially when you’ve committed to doing it with your eyes open.

I have spent the last three years trying to understand what healthy love and self-love is and how to achieve them. It is coming through practising emotional intelligence, meditation, and through heaps of therapy and self-help reading. Those have given me an understanding of attachment needs, trauma, and the correlations between my childhood and how I act now. Applying that knowledge to what I was doing with men has made for the hilarious, enlightening, depressing, romantic, hopeful, raunchy, and spiritual writings here.

This collection of poems and stories embodies self-acceptance, feminism, freedom, body image, a journey to self-love and a whole lot of learning.

What People Are Saying

This book is beautifully written and filled with words of self-love. It holds the raw truth of just how we end up in toxic relationships and yet also shares the self-love that can come from healing. Dawn shares her journey with a raw and delicate touch. There’s a dash of funny and explicit moments that we can all relate to. Your heart will be moved by this effortless read.

~ Amazon review

This book is the literary equivalent of drinking a bottle of wine at the kitchen table with your coolest girlfriend. It’s equal parts dishy, hilarious, heartbreaking, and intimate– and you’re a little sad when it’s all over.

~ Amazon review

Inside the Writing

  • Welcome!
    I am so excited to get this website up and running! This has been on my ‘do at some point’ list for a few months now and it feels so good to get it moving. (September feels like the best time to jump start some goals, doesn’t it!)… Read more: Welcome!
  • The Bear
    your warm eyes see me clearly I’m like a hurt bear in the wild seen feels threatening you see past my intimidating posture my puffed-up chest the hairs on my arms stand like broken soldiers ready to march to the alarm beating under my nightdress I’m an injured… Read more: The Bear
  • Creativity
    Writing is my therapy. I started journaling as part of a personal development course I was doing back in 2020. I was just separated, just moved in with my parents after selling our home, trying to build a new home, and trying to figure out how to co-parent… Read more: Creativity